For small business processing payments made through the charge cards used by customers poses several questions that management needs to consider. There are fees charged by issuing financial institutions for each transaction, and processing itself is a strictly defined process. These questions are unavoidable since more and more customers opt for plastic when making purchases. Therefore, it is critical for business to be able to accommodate this form of convenient payment. For small companies, this also means they always need to be on the lookout for the most cost effective option.
Key Takeaways:
- More types of businesses, from more industries, are finding it necessary to add credit cards to their payment models, because more purchases are being made that way.
- Credit card processing isn’t as straight-forward as other means of payment, because it involves the working together of various distinct entities.
- As a business owner, you can create a merchant account to deal with credit card transactions. Or, you can go the route of a credit card processor.
“Credit cards inspire customers to buy impulsively. So, accepting credit cards means more impulse purchases in your store.”
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